AKATHA Glossary of Terms
(from the AKATHA Dictnonary of the Asacer language or Higher Sanskrit Hadjis book tower of Babel and An Introduciton to AKATHA, the Ancient Science of Sahaji)
- abyasnati (ahb’- yahs-nah-tee) - spreading the message of AKATHA
- acayakoti (ah-kI-yah-koh’-tee) – a rest point in eternity
- Acolyte (ae’-koh-lIt) – First Initiate of the Pinda Lok or physical plane, the first plane
- Adhara or Nether Initiate (ah’-dah-rah)– Lower Initiate, ant. See Aksaya or Higher Initiate
- adhivardhate (ah’-dhee-vahr-dayte) - plus factor
- Adepiseka (ah’-dee-pih-say-kah) – Tenth Initiate, the SRAOSHA Master initiation of the Anami Lok; third major goal and final one of AKATHA (Tenth Plane)
- agrasiddha (ah’-grah-see-dha) - total awareness
- Ahrah (ah’-rah) – Third Initiate of the Causal Plane, the Brahmanda Lok
- AKATHA (ae’ kuh-tuh [“th” not pronounced in Asacer {Higher Sanskrit}]) – the Ancient Science of Sahaji
- AKATHIST (ae’kun-tuhst) – a chela, student, member, or follower of AKATHA
- Aksaya Initiate (ahk’-sI-yuh) – Higher Initiate; any initiate on or above the Fifth plane, ant. See Adhara or Nether Initiate
- AKSHAR (ahk’-shahr) – God in AKATHA, the androgynous attributeless static Supreme Deity; the Divine IT
- antara (aen’-tahr-rah) co-worker; referring to an antara with God as the SRAOSHA Master
- Arahata (ehr- ae- hah’tah) Second Initiate of the Astral Plane, or Anda Lok, the second plane
- Aryaprasada (ahr’- yah-prah-sah-dah) – AKATHA Temple of Golden Wisdom
- Asacer (ah’zay-ker) – Higher Sanskrit; highest language; godspeak; tongues or babel (child’s gibberish but really a codifiable language)
- Atma (aet’mah) – Soul
- Atratas (ah-trah’-tahs) – the AKATHA guarantee of SRAOSHA Mastery in this lifetime or the next
- Baraka Bashad (bah-rah’-kah bah’-shad) - May the Blessings Be in Asacer
- Bhakti (bahk’-tee) - Seventh Initiate of the Alaya Lok, the Seventh Plane
- bourchak (bohr-chak) – detachment, vairag (see Vairagi, the Order of)
- chela (chee’-lah) student in AKATHA
- Chiad (chee’-ahd) - Fourth Initiate of the Mental Plane
- Darshan (dahr’-shahn) - the presence of the Living SRAOSHA Master; often misconstrued as Tiwaja or the gaze of the Master.
- dharma (dahr’-mah) karmaless action; when one transcends their karma on the path of AKATHA, they lead the life of dharma, the karmaless life as an Initiate in AKATHA. No other path can give this experience nor explain it properly.
- Gynanee (gee’-ah-nee) – Eighth Initiate; second major goal of AKATHA of God-Realization
- Hadjis (hahd’-gees) – books of “The Way of the Eternal”, the sacred book of AKATHA; the Original and True Sacred Book of the Ages in the lower worlds. In the higher planes on and above the Fifth plane, the books are called just “The Original and True Sacred Book” as no ages exist on the higher planes.
- HU (hyoo) – word for the sound of spirit; the onomatopoeia for the Voice of AKSHAR representing the sound made by the voice. Used as a chant in AKATHA; the universal mantra found in the word “hu man” or “spirit man”.
- kani (kah’-nee) – all non-AKATHISTs
- karma (kahr’-mah) – the lower world law of cause and effect; action and reaction, retribution and reward; all action in the lower worlds both positive and negative; sometimes incorrectly interpreted as sin in religion and philosophy, however, karma takes into consideration positive action as well. One transcends karma in AKATHA turning it into dharma (see dharma).
- Mahaji (mah-hah’-jee) – two definitions; the Living SRAOSHA Master when a Fourteenth Initiate or higher or a SRAOSHA Master who is an Initiate of the Fourteenth Circle or higher; usually synonymous with the first definition.
- Mahdis (mah’-dees) – Fifth Initiate of the Atma Lok or Fifth plane; the initiation of Self-Realization the first major goal in AKATHA.
- manusamhita (mae’noo-saem-hee-tah) afianchetto, the law of man; the very important ethic of all actions done for the good of the whole without sacrificing the one for the many (fianchetto); for the one is all as the all is one albeit individuality remains.
- Maulani (mah’-lau-nee) – Ninth Initiate of the Agam Lok, the ninth plane.
- paroksa (pahr’-rohk-sah) the mirror technique; sometimes referred to as pacing and leading; mimicking.
- Sahaji (suh’-hah-jee) – the word for out-of-body movement in Asacer; soul travel in English; the main subject of the teachings of AKATHA.
- Sharav, The (shuh-rahv’) – Part I of the Hadjis, the Spiritual Book; sometimes called the “Shariyat-Ki.-Sugmad”.
- Shraddha (shrah’-dah) – Sixth Initiate of the Alakh Lok, the sixth plane
- SRAOSHA (srah-oh’-shah) - Spirit, Eck; centripetal and centrifugal essence or Voice of the AKSHAR; the light and sound; official approbated name for spirit by the path of AKATHA
- sudhyati (soohd’-yah-tee) – purification; the first two years of unfolding the chela’s adi-karma or primal karma.
- svasata (svah’-sah-tah) – AKATHA contemplation.
- Tarati (ter-rah’-tee) – epoch transition to a higher one, ant. Atarati.
- Tiwaja (tee’wah’jah) – the gaze of he Master; his eyes are the twin lights of the universe as the power of SRAOSHA shines brightly through them in the Rod of Power, the central of the universe.
- torana (tohr’-rah-nah)- channel; pertaining to a torana of SRAOSHA or AKSHAR; never a transchanneler or medium.
- Vairagi, The Order of the, (vehr-rah’-gee) - The ancient Order of the SRAOSHA Masters [Vairagi itself means “detachment”]
- vamuravcy (vah’-moo-rahv-see) - approbations, sanctions, or designations by the Living SRAOSHA Master.
- Yastiprabhava (yahs’-tee-prahb-hah-vah') - The Rod of Power, the polarized state of consciousness of the Living SRAOSHA Master; there can be only one during any particular time; the master receives this power only at the Valley of Shangta at the Oracle of Tirmir in east India.
- Yuga (yoo’-gah) - epoch; a cycle of cosmic time.
- Zuchters (zook’-terz) – Lords of Karma; when kanis die they are under these lords and subject to them.