Please read the following before filling out the AKATHA Membership Application below. Thank you!
AKATHA Membership includes all support material including monthly study discourses (optional at present), the Master's Wisdom Notes, all books, audios and video recordings, seminars, monthly newsletters, etc. It also allows for initiations which connect one directly with the SRAOSHA, (Light and Sound or Spirit) and the Mahaji, the Living SRAOSHA Master, who can work with one on both the inner and outer to resolve their karma. Stepping onto the path is a major step by filling out this application as it cease one's karma creation immediately and they start to resolve their karma living in dharma instead. Resolution of karma establishs the individual student in the aforesaid dharma (the karmaless life) state of consciousness. Also, it brings the goals of Self Realization, God Realization and SRAOSHA mastery within this lifetime or the next which is called "Atratas." The entire membership package is free without charge and also AKATHA does not accept donations or contributions; appreciation exists but considerations are returned when sent without solicitation. The whole idea is to show that we do not want any thought patterns to exist that AKATHA is about profit for its leaders or anyone else. We agree that spirituality should not come with a price tag. Hence, the path whilst being pure makes Itself even purer, if possible, regarding the sordid coin issue. Our prime objective, in which hopefully the new chela (student) will adopt and appreciate greatly, is to guide the ready Soul to the Fifth Plane of liberation or Sat Lok wherein the Atma Sarup or Soul Body is now "Free Soul."
Membership does require the non-usage of illegal drugs and especially marihuana (even if legalized) as of the spiritual dangers, physical destructiveness, and negativity mixing AKATHA and Sahaji with them. Please note strongly: The use of Marijuana, even if legal in your state or country, is not allowed in AKATHA. If one is a user please do not fill-out the free application below. If one stops immediately, they may join. But note, these chemicals need working out of the consciousness whilst the daily contemplation exercise each day is then even more important! If returning to drug usage, they will be dropped from the path.
Having used illegal drugs in the past will not void one's membership, but the illegal drug use must stop and no recidivism allowed in order to be a member of AKATHA. It must be remembered that in order to reach the goals of AKATHA, it is not mandatory but highly recommended that one spends 30 minutes per day doing the Spiriual Exercises of AKATHA (explained in the third chapter of our Intro book, "AKATHA, the Ancient Science of Sahaji" distributed freely on this website). After practicing the exercises for only a short time, most find them enjoyable and always very pleasent, and many AKATHISTS (students of AKATHA) find them as important as breathing or eating food daily.
We do need our members to fill out a simple membership form in order to receive initiations, members-only books, discourses, monthly publications, etc.
Those joining AKATHA who are under the age of 18 must have parental permission in writing unless under family membership which is two or more living under the same roof. Over 18 must submit individual membership unless parents in the family. AKATHA does not share membership records with anyone outside of AKATHA.
It is highly recommended reading the free e-book on this website “An Introduction to AKATHA, the Ancient Science of Sahaji” getting the basics of AKATHA (ae’ kuh tuh). A few words should be known, i.e., AKSHAR, SRAOSHA, Sahaji, Mahaji, AKATHA. (The spiritual exercises are in Chapter 3). These five words are the MOST IMPORTANT IN AKATHA (HARD "T" no "th" sound in higher sanskrit)!
If a member now or studied Radha Soami, Sufi Fellowship, Seif Realization Fellowship, Atom, MSIA, Eckankar, or similar paths, initiations and experiences are recognized in AKATHA. Initiations are important in AKATHA as they show inward achievement recognition in the God Worlds of SRAOSHA. That true outer recognition is only necessary in the lower words. However, SRAOSHA Mastership is retained always in the higher worlds with titles "Sri" for males and "Sra" for females (last incarnation in gaining mastery).
If having left one of the above teachings long ago or recently, it is important that the AKATHA Universal office (AUo) knows that history. Many Akathists (“tists” AKATHA members) can attest that one is not held back needlessly in AKATHA as of past progression. Unlike other paths that claim the Mastership goal, AKATHA has many SRAOSHA masters (10th and above - 22 as of this website revision 01/12/16) working with Sri Kahtifji, the Living SRAOSHA Master as members of the Ancient Order of the Vairagi, the "Tabrahtr Sraja (Brothers of the Leaf)."
We also have many 5th initiates and above (Higher or Aksaya Initiates), and therefore no reason feeling held back spiritually in AKATHA. Those with no outer and or Inner experience, who start from the beginning reach the 5th initiation in five years or less as a general policy; dedication, attitude, discipline and one’s own spiritual development that is very individual. Mainly traveling in Sahaji along the inward path is the obvious answer and not some outer behaviour. We take the goals of AKATHA seriously albeit a sense of humour is exceedingly acceptable with no SD (Serious Disease) on the path! Happily know that no one is held back in AKATHA, but uplifted and supported instead! Feel at ease that no stonewalling, powerplays, head trips, games, looking down upon, mistreating or holding anyone back with no ulterior motives such as money or control agendas in mind are taught or practiced in AKATHA. It is a renewed time of joy as in Paulji’s halcyon heyday!!! Talk with any chela and find it is so as Sahaji is very important bringing liberation and true happiness in this lifetime! Sometimes it is hard in the beginning, but those who stay the course of the daily contemplations traveling in Sahaji in the higher worlds of AKATHA will achieve equilibrium and their goals.
We also encourage members to speak-up freely (common sense here) without necessarily scripting anything or parables only (like a normal free association as it always should be – philosophic or wisdom views are most graciously accepted too as we learn from each other listening and reveling in the spirit of it – giving and outflowing in the perpetual law of increase) and share their experiences asking questions without concern for negative consequences. AKATHA is the high path back to AKSHAR (God). Whilst we recognize other paths as stepping stones, only one high path exits and It is AKATHA. THERE CAN BE ONLY ONE PATH TO GOD and it is AKATHA.
Again, the information you provide on this application is not shared outside of AKATHA.
Note: Initiations are often given over the telephone as of small local representation presently (soon to increase). Of course, never any charges exist for anything in AKATHA.
#note - your application is automatically accepted upon delivery - albeit, a rarity, WE DO RESERVE THE PRIVILEGE OF DECLINING - congratulations and thank you! That means responding is optional by us at present.
AKATHA Membership includes all support material including monthly study discourses (optional at present), the Master's Wisdom Notes, all books, audios and video recordings, seminars, monthly newsletters, etc. It also allows for initiations which connect one directly with the SRAOSHA, (Light and Sound or Spirit) and the Mahaji, the Living SRAOSHA Master, who can work with one on both the inner and outer to resolve their karma. Stepping onto the path is a major step by filling out this application as it cease one's karma creation immediately and they start to resolve their karma living in dharma instead. Resolution of karma establishs the individual student in the aforesaid dharma (the karmaless life) state of consciousness. Also, it brings the goals of Self Realization, God Realization and SRAOSHA mastery within this lifetime or the next which is called "Atratas." The entire membership package is free without charge and also AKATHA does not accept donations or contributions; appreciation exists but considerations are returned when sent without solicitation. The whole idea is to show that we do not want any thought patterns to exist that AKATHA is about profit for its leaders or anyone else. We agree that spirituality should not come with a price tag. Hence, the path whilst being pure makes Itself even purer, if possible, regarding the sordid coin issue. Our prime objective, in which hopefully the new chela (student) will adopt and appreciate greatly, is to guide the ready Soul to the Fifth Plane of liberation or Sat Lok wherein the Atma Sarup or Soul Body is now "Free Soul."
Membership does require the non-usage of illegal drugs and especially marihuana (even if legalized) as of the spiritual dangers, physical destructiveness, and negativity mixing AKATHA and Sahaji with them. Please note strongly: The use of Marijuana, even if legal in your state or country, is not allowed in AKATHA. If one is a user please do not fill-out the free application below. If one stops immediately, they may join. But note, these chemicals need working out of the consciousness whilst the daily contemplation exercise each day is then even more important! If returning to drug usage, they will be dropped from the path.
Having used illegal drugs in the past will not void one's membership, but the illegal drug use must stop and no recidivism allowed in order to be a member of AKATHA. It must be remembered that in order to reach the goals of AKATHA, it is not mandatory but highly recommended that one spends 30 minutes per day doing the Spiriual Exercises of AKATHA (explained in the third chapter of our Intro book, "AKATHA, the Ancient Science of Sahaji" distributed freely on this website). After practicing the exercises for only a short time, most find them enjoyable and always very pleasent, and many AKATHISTS (students of AKATHA) find them as important as breathing or eating food daily.
We do need our members to fill out a simple membership form in order to receive initiations, members-only books, discourses, monthly publications, etc.
Those joining AKATHA who are under the age of 18 must have parental permission in writing unless under family membership which is two or more living under the same roof. Over 18 must submit individual membership unless parents in the family. AKATHA does not share membership records with anyone outside of AKATHA.
It is highly recommended reading the free e-book on this website “An Introduction to AKATHA, the Ancient Science of Sahaji” getting the basics of AKATHA (ae’ kuh tuh). A few words should be known, i.e., AKSHAR, SRAOSHA, Sahaji, Mahaji, AKATHA. (The spiritual exercises are in Chapter 3). These five words are the MOST IMPORTANT IN AKATHA (HARD "T" no "th" sound in higher sanskrit)!
If a member now or studied Radha Soami, Sufi Fellowship, Seif Realization Fellowship, Atom, MSIA, Eckankar, or similar paths, initiations and experiences are recognized in AKATHA. Initiations are important in AKATHA as they show inward achievement recognition in the God Worlds of SRAOSHA. That true outer recognition is only necessary in the lower words. However, SRAOSHA Mastership is retained always in the higher worlds with titles "Sri" for males and "Sra" for females (last incarnation in gaining mastery).
If having left one of the above teachings long ago or recently, it is important that the AKATHA Universal office (AUo) knows that history. Many Akathists (“tists” AKATHA members) can attest that one is not held back needlessly in AKATHA as of past progression. Unlike other paths that claim the Mastership goal, AKATHA has many SRAOSHA masters (10th and above - 22 as of this website revision 01/12/16) working with Sri Kahtifji, the Living SRAOSHA Master as members of the Ancient Order of the Vairagi, the "Tabrahtr Sraja (Brothers of the Leaf)."
We also have many 5th initiates and above (Higher or Aksaya Initiates), and therefore no reason feeling held back spiritually in AKATHA. Those with no outer and or Inner experience, who start from the beginning reach the 5th initiation in five years or less as a general policy; dedication, attitude, discipline and one’s own spiritual development that is very individual. Mainly traveling in Sahaji along the inward path is the obvious answer and not some outer behaviour. We take the goals of AKATHA seriously albeit a sense of humour is exceedingly acceptable with no SD (Serious Disease) on the path! Happily know that no one is held back in AKATHA, but uplifted and supported instead! Feel at ease that no stonewalling, powerplays, head trips, games, looking down upon, mistreating or holding anyone back with no ulterior motives such as money or control agendas in mind are taught or practiced in AKATHA. It is a renewed time of joy as in Paulji’s halcyon heyday!!! Talk with any chela and find it is so as Sahaji is very important bringing liberation and true happiness in this lifetime! Sometimes it is hard in the beginning, but those who stay the course of the daily contemplations traveling in Sahaji in the higher worlds of AKATHA will achieve equilibrium and their goals.
We also encourage members to speak-up freely (common sense here) without necessarily scripting anything or parables only (like a normal free association as it always should be – philosophic or wisdom views are most graciously accepted too as we learn from each other listening and reveling in the spirit of it – giving and outflowing in the perpetual law of increase) and share their experiences asking questions without concern for negative consequences. AKATHA is the high path back to AKSHAR (God). Whilst we recognize other paths as stepping stones, only one high path exits and It is AKATHA. THERE CAN BE ONLY ONE PATH TO GOD and it is AKATHA.
Again, the information you provide on this application is not shared outside of AKATHA.
Note: Initiations are often given over the telephone as of small local representation presently (soon to increase). Of course, never any charges exist for anything in AKATHA.
#note - your application is automatically accepted upon delivery - albeit, a rarity, WE DO RESERVE THE PRIVILEGE OF DECLINING - congratulations and thank you! That means responding is optional by us at present.