(Official Site of the AKATHA Universal office [AUo] copyright 1988)
AKATHA is not a religion, philosophy or new age teaching of any kind, but instead an
individual science, path, way or teaching of Sahaji.
Any other descriptions besides the latter four are incorrect.
individual science, path, way or teaching of Sahaji.
Any other descriptions besides the latter four are incorrect.
AKATHA's (ae'kuh tuh) mission as the original and then the most ancient science of Sahaji (Soul motion, movement and/or travel) is to guide the ready Soul (the light and sound current [the high electrical pitch in the inner ear] essence within one, the essence of the human that he or she actually experiences on the path) back to the Soul or Fifth Plane of the Atma Lok. That very important lost inner movement to Atma Lok is atavistically resurrected by the practice of Sahaji also known as the English phrases Out-of-Body Projection (OBE), soul motion or movement, projection or travel. A more condescending or negative present popular connotation would be the Near Death Experience (NDE).
This arrival to Atma Lok gains the enlightenment as Soul that one has long sought for eons in many lifetimes of karma. And that very powerfully wonderful feeling of ecstatic joy and happiness as Soul is just the beginning goal. It is achieved by a very simple 30 minute daily meditation-like contemplative technique described in our free introductory book "An Introduction to AKATHA, the Ancient Science of Sahaji (everything is free in AKATHA taking the idea of the nonsense selling pitch away with pure motive instead)."
This arrival to Atma Lok gains the enlightenment as Soul that one has long sought for eons in many lifetimes of karma. And that very powerfully wonderful feeling of ecstatic joy and happiness as Soul is just the beginning goal. It is achieved by a very simple 30 minute daily meditation-like contemplative technique described in our free introductory book "An Introduction to AKATHA, the Ancient Science of Sahaji (everything is free in AKATHA taking the idea of the nonsense selling pitch away with pure motive instead)."
The Three Major Goals of AKATHA
Firstly, Self Realisation; the actual spiritual experience of the individual as Its true Soul identity enlightenment, the individual light and sound within, receiving the Fifth Initiation;
Secondly, God-Realisation; the actual realisation, the experience by the individual as part of AKSHAR (God in AKATHA) receiving the Eighth Initiation and
Thirdly, SRAOSHA Mastery; becoming a SRAOSHA Master, the fully enlightened and realised co-worker with AKSHAR as the Tenth Initiate.
Secondly, God-Realisation; the actual realisation, the experience by the individual as part of AKSHAR (God in AKATHA) receiving the Eighth Initiation and
Thirdly, SRAOSHA Mastery; becoming a SRAOSHA Master, the fully enlightened and realised co-worker with AKSHAR as the Tenth Initiate.
Some Simple Definitions
AKATHA (ae' kuh tuh - hard "t;" no "th" sound in Higher Sanskrit [Asacer language]) - the ancient science of Sahaji. the original and true teaching of Sahaji, the most direct, highest and only path to God (AKSHAR) as all other teachings are circuitous cosmic consciousness routes never leading to God Realization but continue the reincarnation cycle in the lower worlds (see AKATHA introduction book).
Soul - essence of man as the individual light and sound unit of awareness that is separate and higher than the mind and body. One can experience seeing the light radiance and hearing the sound current (high electrical pitch within) of Soul in AKATHA.
Sahaji (sah' hah jee) - the one higher Sanskrit [Asacer language] word for "Soul Travel" that is used, learned, and practiced in AKATHA
SRAOSHA (srah oh' shah) - Spirit or the Light and Sound voice emanating from God that can be experienced in AKATHA and known as "The Sound Current" that high electrical pitch one can hear within the inner ear. The light is the sound seen and the sound is the light heard; twin aspects of Spirit or SRAOSHA. An important ecstatic experience when hearing or recognizing for the first time and derivation word for (spirit or spiral).
AKSHAR (ahk' shahr)- the Highest God (Glimpse of Divine)...beyond description...neither male nor female...the DIVINE IT, known in AKATHA as the sublime phrase of "The Ocean of Love and Mercy." Spiritually experienced by the Akathist in the second major goal of God-Realization whilst AKSHAR's home is upon the Twelve Plane (see God Worlds Chart in AKATHA intro book)
Self Realization - first ecstatic goal of AKATHA on the Fifth Plane of Sat Lok, but ironically the most important getting one liberation finally in the lower worlds (prime objective of AKATHA); the jivan mukti, jianigiatri, the liberation in the here and now. The actual realization, experience and feeling of one's true identity; the knowingness of self without being shaken of the premise by anything - absolute confidence of self having had a Sahaji experience and learning the apnoti, the self-speak of the Satguru becoming the latter. Firm establishment and identity of the Self as Soul upon the Fifth Plane
God Realization - the absolute ecstatic experience of the AKSHAR as the one true God of AKATHA; experienced on the eighth plane (see God Worlds Chart).
The Mahaji, the Living SRAOSHA Master - lineage leader (presently 973rd since 3100 BCE) of AKATHA, the highest developed spiritual man in the universe carrying what is known as the Yastiprabhava (Rod of Power)...temporary position with a dynamic tenure; not god nor solar saviour (patterned after the Mahaji) but ITS first representative (see AKSHAR).
Soul Plane - The Fifth Plane, the dividing plane between the psychic and the true spiritual worlds; the plane of Self-Realization or SOUL recognition (see Soul or Self-Realization)
HU Chant - important ancient practice established by the Ancient Order of the Vairagi SRAOSHA Masters (Tahbratr Sraja or Brothers of the Leaf) done either silently or aloud; not a song for singing without a definite melody as it naturally shifts and changes if it does. HU Chant not HU sing; very important distinction with the latter not acceptable on the path of AKATHA. In other words, a melody, HU sing or singing the HU will not get one into the higher planes; only the HU Chant will provide liberation into the Soul Plane (specifics and precision are very important in the universe - THESE ARE THE WORDS OF THE MASTER!). The HU Chant is the mysterious ancient cryptically archaic powerful "Universal Mantra" that anyone can use whilst different from the private individual mantras that one gains with each chela's initiation. "Chant the HU constantly on thy lips," said Rebazar Tarzs, the Para-Mahaji of AKATHA.
Soul - essence of man as the individual light and sound unit of awareness that is separate and higher than the mind and body. One can experience seeing the light radiance and hearing the sound current (high electrical pitch within) of Soul in AKATHA.
Sahaji (sah' hah jee) - the one higher Sanskrit [Asacer language] word for "Soul Travel" that is used, learned, and practiced in AKATHA
SRAOSHA (srah oh' shah) - Spirit or the Light and Sound voice emanating from God that can be experienced in AKATHA and known as "The Sound Current" that high electrical pitch one can hear within the inner ear. The light is the sound seen and the sound is the light heard; twin aspects of Spirit or SRAOSHA. An important ecstatic experience when hearing or recognizing for the first time and derivation word for (spirit or spiral).
AKSHAR (ahk' shahr)- the Highest God (Glimpse of Divine)...beyond description...neither male nor female...the DIVINE IT, known in AKATHA as the sublime phrase of "The Ocean of Love and Mercy." Spiritually experienced by the Akathist in the second major goal of God-Realization whilst AKSHAR's home is upon the Twelve Plane (see God Worlds Chart in AKATHA intro book)
Self Realization - first ecstatic goal of AKATHA on the Fifth Plane of Sat Lok, but ironically the most important getting one liberation finally in the lower worlds (prime objective of AKATHA); the jivan mukti, jianigiatri, the liberation in the here and now. The actual realization, experience and feeling of one's true identity; the knowingness of self without being shaken of the premise by anything - absolute confidence of self having had a Sahaji experience and learning the apnoti, the self-speak of the Satguru becoming the latter. Firm establishment and identity of the Self as Soul upon the Fifth Plane
God Realization - the absolute ecstatic experience of the AKSHAR as the one true God of AKATHA; experienced on the eighth plane (see God Worlds Chart).
The Mahaji, the Living SRAOSHA Master - lineage leader (presently 973rd since 3100 BCE) of AKATHA, the highest developed spiritual man in the universe carrying what is known as the Yastiprabhava (Rod of Power)...temporary position with a dynamic tenure; not god nor solar saviour (patterned after the Mahaji) but ITS first representative (see AKSHAR).
Soul Plane - The Fifth Plane, the dividing plane between the psychic and the true spiritual worlds; the plane of Self-Realization or SOUL recognition (see Soul or Self-Realization)
HU Chant - important ancient practice established by the Ancient Order of the Vairagi SRAOSHA Masters (Tahbratr Sraja or Brothers of the Leaf) done either silently or aloud; not a song for singing without a definite melody as it naturally shifts and changes if it does. HU Chant not HU sing; very important distinction with the latter not acceptable on the path of AKATHA. In other words, a melody, HU sing or singing the HU will not get one into the higher planes; only the HU Chant will provide liberation into the Soul Plane (specifics and precision are very important in the universe - THESE ARE THE WORDS OF THE MASTER!). The HU Chant is the mysterious ancient cryptically archaic powerful "Universal Mantra" that anyone can use whilst different from the private individual mantras that one gains with each chela's initiation. "Chant the HU constantly on thy lips," said Rebazar Tarzs, the Para-Mahaji of AKATHA.
AKATHA memberships, discourses, books and seminars are free and we do not accept donations or contributions. All memberships are automatically accepted once sent by computer to the AKATHA Universal office (AUo). Follow-up membership packages and phone calls are optional.
Thank you
AKATHA memberships, discourses, books and seminars are free and we do not accept donations or contributions. All memberships are automatically accepted once sent by computer to the AKATHA Universal office (AUo). Follow-up membership packages and phone calls are optional.
Thank you
- Free Book -
An Introduction to AKATHA
(For a more detailed understanding of AKATHA, the Ancient Science of Sahaji, one can download our free 118 page introductory book from the link on the top left menu. You can also listen to several of
Sri Kahtifji's talks.)
It is very important initially to understand that AKATHA is not yoga, meditation, religion, philosophy, metaphysics, new-age, politics, a cult or occult study nor mystery school of any kind. It is simply an individual science, teaching, way or path to God-Realization via Sahaji. The Teachings of AKATHA are specific. Descriptions and interpretations other than written or oral approbated terms by AKATHA are simply incorrect and not acceptable. If one insists on misinterpreting,
karma repercussions are swift and true.
Sri Kahtifji's talks.)
It is very important initially to understand that AKATHA is not yoga, meditation, religion, philosophy, metaphysics, new-age, politics, a cult or occult study nor mystery school of any kind. It is simply an individual science, teaching, way or path to God-Realization via Sahaji. The Teachings of AKATHA are specific. Descriptions and interpretations other than written or oral approbated terms by AKATHA are simply incorrect and not acceptable. If one insists on misinterpreting,
karma repercussions are swift and true.
AKATHA is the ancient outer teaching of the inner esoteric path of SRAOSHA (Spirit) made public at various times. AKATHA becomes public when individuals are ready and seek it. The word "AKATHA" means "Balance within SRAOSHA, the voice of AKSHAR (God)." Sahaji, a Sanskrit term, means the conscious separation of the true self, the Atma Sarup (Soul Body), from and Its return to the physical body whilst still living, currently in the earth region inappropriately called "the near death experience (NDE)." Sahaji is performed as natural as breathing and simply closing the eyes whilst a normal, important part of physical life, but periodically lost in history.
The teachings of AKATHA revive the often forgotten Para-Vidya or God-knowledge of the Sahaji techniques. The art of Sahaji can be performed through contemplation by outwardly or inwardly chanting of charged words such as "HU" (derivation of "human"), the Universal Light & Sound Mantra of SRAOSHA. Mantra chanting is feared by the western religionist, yet prayer is a logical mantra.
SRAOSHA - All life in the universe is made of Spirit called SRAOSHA. SRAOSHA is that force that emanates from AKSHAR and flows through all. SRAOSHA is seen as light and heard as sound (the high inner non-physical ringing or aforesaid electrical pitch in the ear). This Spirit begins Its outward flow at the Godhead and travels to the physical plane where It begins the inward flow towards home.
A constant uninterrupted flow exists, which in the higher worlds is a pure positive current, but upon reaching the lower worlds (physical, astral, causal, mental/etheric) branches into two forces, the positive and the negative. When SRAOSHA descends into these lower worlds, Its vibrations become lower and denser, as matter weighs It down. At the physical or first level, vibrations are the lowest. The earth is currently immersed in the Kali Yuga, a negative epoch that is epitomized by decay, chaos and destruction. Pure channels of SRAOSHA could curb the negativity of this era and virtually stop it. Thus, although our own unfoldment remains primary, we find it obtuse to ignore the responsibility to humanity whilst living in the physical world. Being this pure channel of SRAOSHA will accomplish both the spiritual unfoldment of ourselves and secondarily, the universe around us.
We are Souls - The other statement should not be third person "I have a Soul, You have a Soul, or We have Souls." Instead, it has always been first person, "I am Soul, You are Soul, or We are Souls." This first person usage identifies each individual as their proper essence as Soul, not mind and body. This simple previous misusage creates major problems of identity and protection. We are not indestructible and eternal in our physical bodies, but instead as Soul that part of AKSHAR, which is inseparable, yet perpetuates individually as if looking out of a mirror. Spiritually unfolding in AKATHA we retain that individuality and realize it to an even greater extent. It is a Universal Law that we have Soul individuality in AKSHAR and are not merging into some universal mind.
Transcending the cycle of rebirth - We spend millions of years reincarnating into the physical and lower plane bodies resulting from our continual creation of karma. Every action we perform or thought we send has an equal and opposite reaction that returns to us as karma (those that do not believe this scientific fact or take it lightly being amused are being irresponsible about their thoughts and actions). In AKATHA, we learn how to stop the karma that binds us to the lower worlds. Non-creation of karma, called dharma, occurs when we practice Sahaji in contemplation. Then dharma naturally gives us the power to perform our activities for the good of all and eventually sustaining the power by becoming AKATHA Initiates. Putting one's mind to the task of getting rid of karma is impossible. Therefore, AKATHA initiations transcend all other initiations making incomprehensible mind achievements simply child's play as Soul.
Once the living SRAOSHA Master, the leader of AKATHA, has initiated the student and helped them to unfold, all previous karma is finished. Now Soul leads the life of dharma and never creates karma again. At this point, Soul transcends the wheel of eighty-four, the continuous cycle of birth and rebirth in the lower worlds.
Daily Thirty Minute Contemplation Exercise- One technique that can easily be done within one's own home is the Sirat technique. Its practice comprises one hearing the Sound Current or the melody of SRAOSHA. As Soul goes higher into the inner worlds coming closer to AKSHAR, the sound or music of SRAOSHA becomes greater.
The Sirat technique is the spiritual exercise that involves sitting with the eyes closed in a silent fixed position. The participant sits in a chair either with feet under him in tailor fashion or on the floor. Putting both hands on the lap, left hand in right, palms up, he gently places his attention on the Ajna or Tisra Til, the spiritual eye in the middle of the forehead. The subject then takes five deep breaths and begins repeating the word HU. After chanting for a time, he takes five more breaths and continues chanting HU softly. One's attention stays fixed gently on the Ajna while not trying to see anything; just holding it there.
After a few more minutes of softly chanting HU, the contemplator again repeats five breaths bringing the total to fifteen. Following the last five breaths, he quiets the chanting and listens closely while making it very, very soft until it is halted vocally. His attention is switched, listening for the esoteric inner sounds as the rolling HU flows through him. Very soon the inner sound within his head spreads out into his body until he becomes a part of the sound. Then the various parts of the SRAOSHA melody start. Many different sounds exist. Often it is the sound of a waterfall, other times of chimes, bells, violins, and/or flutes. These sounds mean he is out somewhere on the far-flung planes of the higher worlds, beyond the Fifth or Soul plane, traveling in the Atma body in the realm of AKSHAR.
These sounds will gradually become a melody of celestial music unlike anything ever heard. Its beauty is so entrancing for he now exists in the state of glory and magnificence of a high plane of spiritual consciousness. He wishes to remain dwelling in the Godly voice never to return. Yet he does so, for serving out life is necessary before passing on permanently into the higher worlds. The Sahaji techniques, such as this one, are practiced daily for thirty minutes to achieve higher levels of consciousness and gain control over all aspects of our lives. The modus operandi of AKATHA is the contemplation technique. If one believes they cannot set aside thirty minutes a day for something as important as Spiritual Mastery, perhaps this teaching is not for them. When one dedicates themselves to the contemplative Spiritual Exercise, they can attain SRAOSHA Mastery within this lifetime by Sahaji adeptship. The journey does not end here for one continues to unfold spiritually as another level of perfection in quiescence always exists.
Reiterating the Goals of AKATHA - first, Self Realization, the actual realization of the individual as Soul receiving the Fifth Initiation; second, God-Realization, the actual realization of the individual as part of AKSKAR (God in AKATHA) receiving the Eighth Initiation and third, becoming a co-worker with AKSHAR as a SRAOSHA Master in the Tenth Initiation. Achieving Mastery enables the individual to choose a position on the outer or inner planes. They can now assist SRAOSHA in universal responsibility.
A series of inner and outer initiations are given on the path of AKATHA. When one receives the second initiation, they have renewed their lost free choice ability of concluding their reincarnation cycle. This choice is made possible by the Living SRAOSHA Master hastening the end of the AKATHIST's karma so they can lead a life of dharma (karmaless life). AKATHA is the Way of Dharma also.
The teachings of AKATHA revive the often forgotten Para-Vidya or God-knowledge of the Sahaji techniques. The art of Sahaji can be performed through contemplation by outwardly or inwardly chanting of charged words such as "HU" (derivation of "human"), the Universal Light & Sound Mantra of SRAOSHA. Mantra chanting is feared by the western religionist, yet prayer is a logical mantra.
SRAOSHA - All life in the universe is made of Spirit called SRAOSHA. SRAOSHA is that force that emanates from AKSHAR and flows through all. SRAOSHA is seen as light and heard as sound (the high inner non-physical ringing or aforesaid electrical pitch in the ear). This Spirit begins Its outward flow at the Godhead and travels to the physical plane where It begins the inward flow towards home.
A constant uninterrupted flow exists, which in the higher worlds is a pure positive current, but upon reaching the lower worlds (physical, astral, causal, mental/etheric) branches into two forces, the positive and the negative. When SRAOSHA descends into these lower worlds, Its vibrations become lower and denser, as matter weighs It down. At the physical or first level, vibrations are the lowest. The earth is currently immersed in the Kali Yuga, a negative epoch that is epitomized by decay, chaos and destruction. Pure channels of SRAOSHA could curb the negativity of this era and virtually stop it. Thus, although our own unfoldment remains primary, we find it obtuse to ignore the responsibility to humanity whilst living in the physical world. Being this pure channel of SRAOSHA will accomplish both the spiritual unfoldment of ourselves and secondarily, the universe around us.
We are Souls - The other statement should not be third person "I have a Soul, You have a Soul, or We have Souls." Instead, it has always been first person, "I am Soul, You are Soul, or We are Souls." This first person usage identifies each individual as their proper essence as Soul, not mind and body. This simple previous misusage creates major problems of identity and protection. We are not indestructible and eternal in our physical bodies, but instead as Soul that part of AKSHAR, which is inseparable, yet perpetuates individually as if looking out of a mirror. Spiritually unfolding in AKATHA we retain that individuality and realize it to an even greater extent. It is a Universal Law that we have Soul individuality in AKSHAR and are not merging into some universal mind.
Transcending the cycle of rebirth - We spend millions of years reincarnating into the physical and lower plane bodies resulting from our continual creation of karma. Every action we perform or thought we send has an equal and opposite reaction that returns to us as karma (those that do not believe this scientific fact or take it lightly being amused are being irresponsible about their thoughts and actions). In AKATHA, we learn how to stop the karma that binds us to the lower worlds. Non-creation of karma, called dharma, occurs when we practice Sahaji in contemplation. Then dharma naturally gives us the power to perform our activities for the good of all and eventually sustaining the power by becoming AKATHA Initiates. Putting one's mind to the task of getting rid of karma is impossible. Therefore, AKATHA initiations transcend all other initiations making incomprehensible mind achievements simply child's play as Soul.
Once the living SRAOSHA Master, the leader of AKATHA, has initiated the student and helped them to unfold, all previous karma is finished. Now Soul leads the life of dharma and never creates karma again. At this point, Soul transcends the wheel of eighty-four, the continuous cycle of birth and rebirth in the lower worlds.
Daily Thirty Minute Contemplation Exercise- One technique that can easily be done within one's own home is the Sirat technique. Its practice comprises one hearing the Sound Current or the melody of SRAOSHA. As Soul goes higher into the inner worlds coming closer to AKSHAR, the sound or music of SRAOSHA becomes greater.
The Sirat technique is the spiritual exercise that involves sitting with the eyes closed in a silent fixed position. The participant sits in a chair either with feet under him in tailor fashion or on the floor. Putting both hands on the lap, left hand in right, palms up, he gently places his attention on the Ajna or Tisra Til, the spiritual eye in the middle of the forehead. The subject then takes five deep breaths and begins repeating the word HU. After chanting for a time, he takes five more breaths and continues chanting HU softly. One's attention stays fixed gently on the Ajna while not trying to see anything; just holding it there.
After a few more minutes of softly chanting HU, the contemplator again repeats five breaths bringing the total to fifteen. Following the last five breaths, he quiets the chanting and listens closely while making it very, very soft until it is halted vocally. His attention is switched, listening for the esoteric inner sounds as the rolling HU flows through him. Very soon the inner sound within his head spreads out into his body until he becomes a part of the sound. Then the various parts of the SRAOSHA melody start. Many different sounds exist. Often it is the sound of a waterfall, other times of chimes, bells, violins, and/or flutes. These sounds mean he is out somewhere on the far-flung planes of the higher worlds, beyond the Fifth or Soul plane, traveling in the Atma body in the realm of AKSHAR.
These sounds will gradually become a melody of celestial music unlike anything ever heard. Its beauty is so entrancing for he now exists in the state of glory and magnificence of a high plane of spiritual consciousness. He wishes to remain dwelling in the Godly voice never to return. Yet he does so, for serving out life is necessary before passing on permanently into the higher worlds. The Sahaji techniques, such as this one, are practiced daily for thirty minutes to achieve higher levels of consciousness and gain control over all aspects of our lives. The modus operandi of AKATHA is the contemplation technique. If one believes they cannot set aside thirty minutes a day for something as important as Spiritual Mastery, perhaps this teaching is not for them. When one dedicates themselves to the contemplative Spiritual Exercise, they can attain SRAOSHA Mastery within this lifetime by Sahaji adeptship. The journey does not end here for one continues to unfold spiritually as another level of perfection in quiescence always exists.
Reiterating the Goals of AKATHA - first, Self Realization, the actual realization of the individual as Soul receiving the Fifth Initiation; second, God-Realization, the actual realization of the individual as part of AKSKAR (God in AKATHA) receiving the Eighth Initiation and third, becoming a co-worker with AKSHAR as a SRAOSHA Master in the Tenth Initiation. Achieving Mastery enables the individual to choose a position on the outer or inner planes. They can now assist SRAOSHA in universal responsibility.
A series of inner and outer initiations are given on the path of AKATHA. When one receives the second initiation, they have renewed their lost free choice ability of concluding their reincarnation cycle. This choice is made possible by the Living SRAOSHA Master hastening the end of the AKATHIST's karma so they can lead a life of dharma (karmaless life). AKATHA is the Way of Dharma also.
The Seven SRAOSHA Universal Laws in AKATHA
1. The Law of SRAOSHA - Spirit or SRAOSHA exists as the all-embracing Light & Sound that is the forming and unified binding power of the universe.
2. The Law of Soul - Soul is the manifested individual unit of awareness and beingness of SRAOSHA that practices Sahaji to the AKSHAR.
3. The Law of Polarity - the law of opposites, positive and negative, quiet and loud, light and dark, heat and cold, are just a few of the myriad opposites in the lower worlds. Soul exists in the cheerful neutral state above these polarities.
4. The Law of Vibrations - the law of harmony. karma and reincarnation come under this law. All individual manifestatons must be balanced in the dharma life of AKATHA.
5. The Law of Attitudes - the law of states of being. These states of consciousness include the moods of each person whether it is positive or negative. The highest attitude in the lower worlds is that detached, cheerfully balanced state of beingness in a Satya Yuga (in the Golden Age). In a Kali Yuga or Iron Age, the best that can be accomplished is the true mirror or mimic creating a rapport with one's fellow man. In the higher worlds, above the Fifth plane, beingness or sattvay in SRAOSHA is the highest state. AKATHA has charted and teaches these states of being and their locations to the student.
6. The Law of Facsimiles - the law of non-simultaneity or imagery reflections. Two Souls are the closest phenomenon that can be in one place at the same time. However minuscule, a measurable or non-simultaneity is between the two, thus manifesting this law of individual pictures. AKSHAR is the only true source image or picture of non-facsimiles. In other words, all Souls imageries or pictures are just a reflection of AKSHAR.
7. The Law of Unity - the law of overview where Soul sees above in Sahaji. A lower reflection overview on the mental plane is considered inductive thinking. This exegesis is for comprehension, but in AKATHA, we truly see in Sahaji from the highest overview as Soul. In Sahaji, we see an image from above and can descend and travel within it as a reality for Soul. From the overview in Sahaji, Soul can make better decisions concerning Its physical life's requirements and for all worlds at large. Working from this area, one eventually becomes the SRAOSHA Master. The duration of unfoldment to Mastership is completely individual and AKATHA gives this distinguished opportunity within this lifetime.
May the Blessings Be,
Sri Kahtifji,
2. The Law of Soul - Soul is the manifested individual unit of awareness and beingness of SRAOSHA that practices Sahaji to the AKSHAR.
3. The Law of Polarity - the law of opposites, positive and negative, quiet and loud, light and dark, heat and cold, are just a few of the myriad opposites in the lower worlds. Soul exists in the cheerful neutral state above these polarities.
4. The Law of Vibrations - the law of harmony. karma and reincarnation come under this law. All individual manifestatons must be balanced in the dharma life of AKATHA.
5. The Law of Attitudes - the law of states of being. These states of consciousness include the moods of each person whether it is positive or negative. The highest attitude in the lower worlds is that detached, cheerfully balanced state of beingness in a Satya Yuga (in the Golden Age). In a Kali Yuga or Iron Age, the best that can be accomplished is the true mirror or mimic creating a rapport with one's fellow man. In the higher worlds, above the Fifth plane, beingness or sattvay in SRAOSHA is the highest state. AKATHA has charted and teaches these states of being and their locations to the student.
6. The Law of Facsimiles - the law of non-simultaneity or imagery reflections. Two Souls are the closest phenomenon that can be in one place at the same time. However minuscule, a measurable or non-simultaneity is between the two, thus manifesting this law of individual pictures. AKSHAR is the only true source image or picture of non-facsimiles. In other words, all Souls imageries or pictures are just a reflection of AKSHAR.
7. The Law of Unity - the law of overview where Soul sees above in Sahaji. A lower reflection overview on the mental plane is considered inductive thinking. This exegesis is for comprehension, but in AKATHA, we truly see in Sahaji from the highest overview as Soul. In Sahaji, we see an image from above and can descend and travel within it as a reality for Soul. From the overview in Sahaji, Soul can make better decisions concerning Its physical life's requirements and for all worlds at large. Working from this area, one eventually becomes the SRAOSHA Master. The duration of unfoldment to Mastership is completely individual and AKATHA gives this distinguished opportunity within this lifetime.
May the Blessings Be,
Sri Kahtifji,
For a more detailed understanding of AKATHA, the Ancient Science of Sahaji you can download our free 118 page introductory book from the link on the top left menu. The AKATHA website also contains many audio talks of Sri Kahtifji, the Mahaji, the Living SRAOSHA master. If you are a sincere seeker of AKSHAR (God), we know you will find great value in
studying the AKATHA teachings.
AKATHA membership is always free,
as are the materials and seminars.
All content of the website is copyrighted 1988 by AKATHA Publishing with the AKATHA logo that includes the SRAOSHA Symbol, the word "AKATHA" and its short definition "THE ANCIENT SCIENCE OF SAHAJI" whilst the website is copyrighted 2013 by AKATHA Publishing all privileges reserved under the Uniform Commercial code (UCc).
AKATHA memberships, discourses, books and seminars (all materials) are free and we do not accept donations or contributions. All membership applications are accepted once sent by computer to the AKATHA Universal office (AUo).
Follow-up membership packages and phone calls are optional by the AUo.
For a more detailed understanding of AKATHA, the Ancient Science of Sahaji you can download our free 118 page introductory book from the link on the top left menu. The AKATHA website also contains many audio talks of Sri Kahtifji, the Mahaji, the Living SRAOSHA master. If you are a sincere seeker of AKSHAR (God), we know you will find great value in
studying the AKATHA teachings.
AKATHA membership is always free,
as are the materials and seminars.
All content of the website is copyrighted 1988 by AKATHA Publishing with the AKATHA logo that includes the SRAOSHA Symbol, the word "AKATHA" and its short definition "THE ANCIENT SCIENCE OF SAHAJI" whilst the website is copyrighted 2013 by AKATHA Publishing all privileges reserved under the Uniform Commercial code (UCc).
AKATHA memberships, discourses, books and seminars (all materials) are free and we do not accept donations or contributions. All membership applications are accepted once sent by computer to the AKATHA Universal office (AUo).
Follow-up membership packages and phone calls are optional by the AUo.
Thank you and May the Blessings Be,
Baraka Bashad,
AUo Staff
Baraka Bashad,
AUo Staff